RM: You guys, owing to Adam’s remarks, and notwithstanding our subject, which was (initially) John Lennon, I have now been listening to
Living in the Material World a lot, the reissue, more than I did with the Lennon album, I confess, and Adam reminds me of this as well. Really, the pattern with George Harrison, I find, is that the demos are astoundingly good. And the pattern holds here. The demos included with the reissue are just very, very good.
I was in middle school when “Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)” was a single, and I heard it a lot, and I really liked it then, although I did, as a young person, find the slide guitar parts so weird, so out of my experience, as to be truly strange somehow. I guess I had an idea of what a guitar solo sounded like (I was probably somewhat listening to
The Dark Side of the Moon in those days, because of my sister, and also to
John Barleycorn Must Die and
Eat a Peach, for similar reasons, and so I guess I thought a guitar solo sounded like David Gilmore, or Dickey Betts, or Steve Winwood), and it did not sound like George writing these weird, bendy guitar parts in thirds or fifths with himself that sounded both like Hawaiian slack key guitar and/or like sitar. I think a lot about encountering that guitar sound in middle school and trying to understand it somehow. That was my first thought about
Material World.
Later on, when I fully understood
All Things Must Pass (this was in my thirties—I was not smart enough to get certain features thereof before that time, except for the hits), I sort of resisted some portion of
Material World because it wasn’t as big a sound as
All Things Must Pass. I have this same feeling about “Photograph” from the
Ringo album. Really I would say, in some way, that “Photograph” is among my very favorite Beatles solo songs, and I kind of can’t believe that George (mostly) and Ringo could make a song that grandiose and then
not feel like doing it ever again. I couldn’t quite believe that George could make an album as phenomenally gigantic as
All Things Must Pass and then immediately head in the other direction.
So how to think about
Material World? For one, there is that one composition that
is as big, which I think we have touched on in the past: “Try Some Buy Some.” (There is, you probably know, a David Bowie version of this song, which I think is really interesting, and really also slightly tamed, although I really trust him with the spirit of the song, which I think he totally understood. However, I did find this live version today, which shows him playing the song in a club gig, and it’s pretty great. There you can see entirely how much he loves the song, and there’s a moment when they head for the orchestral closing section (in the original its orchestral), and Bowie gets down near the audience, and the song rises up, like it does in the original. Here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svpv6UHA-dw.) It’s just so complex, this song, that it takes a very long time to understand it. Or at least it took me a very long time.
Here are the chords, in case you never looked:
Ridiculous! I don’t know how to play half of these chords on guitar. And then when it all gets fed through the Spectorian/Wagnerian pomp machine, especially at 3:16 on the single version, it’s just an unbelievable experience. As powerful as any orchestral arrangement of the Beatles, really. There’s a stripped down band arrangement included among the nuggets of the reissue, and it’s pretty surprising and delightful, because, yes, George
wrote the string charts, or some portion of the string parts, as on the
All Things Must Pass demos, where you can hear George, at one point, sing the string chart over his demo (on “Isn’t It a Pity?”)—meaning he had already figured that part out. On the “Try Some” rock band version he plays some of the string parts on slide guitar. They are really peculiar and dazzling, these arrangements, when played more minimally in such a context. But the song
does want the huge Spector treatment for the end section, it seems to me.
Why does it want the wall of sound? Because all of
Material World is trying to demonstrate abstractly, in music, what transcendent spiritual experience feels like. And one way it does that is with this big string arrangement at the end of “Try Some Buy Some.” It’s a song, you know, about the music biz (another widespread theme on the record), and about how Harrison’s religious experience gave him another way to think about his predicament in the business. The best songs on the album confuse, or mix up, religious ecstasy and earthly love, and they then find really unsuspectable musical analogues for this sense of things. And so we have that here as well.
That said, in the main, George just kind of took over the producer’s seat, because I think Spector proved unreliable, and then he sort of did everything else on the album himself. Did he do dozens of takes? I think one alternate take on the second disc of the reissue is marked take #93. He did many, many takes. And he played almost all the guitars, and removed Badfinger from the finished recording, even though they showed up and took their guitars out of the cases. That means that the thing that I didn’t like about the album at first (not as big), which I thought was owing to lack of budget, or some such, was fully intentional. And now, really, with these very slight different mixes, you can start to hear how and why. In these days of innumerable overdubs and loudness wars, the reductive nature of the production is very different, very compelling.
That said, as shown with “Try Some Buy Some,” these songs are not as minimal as you might suspect. Not as stripped down. This is sort of George’s most progressive moment. So he wrote these ridiculously complex songs, and then played them with a rock combo, not a Broadway pit orchestra. This is what’s sort of incredible about the album. A song like “Who Can See It,” the song that got 93 takes, is not entirely different from something that the Moody Blues might have recorded at the same time. It really goes to some weird spots, especially in the way the time signature swivels around. It’s sort of in fours, and then it’s in fives, and so on.
From this vantage point, if we’re contrasting
Material World with
Mind Games there just isn’t really a comparison. George was proving himself musical, proving the depth of his wisdom and experience about songwriting. I think George sort of crashed and burned after “Dark Horse” and the American tour, and maybe drugs were really part of that. Or maybe it was after his separation from his first wife, Pattie. But the period of
All Things Must Pass,
Living in the Material World, which was three or four years, is significantly monumental among solo Beatles. John was going in the opposite direction at the time. We struggled, as shown above, to get a decent record out of John by anthologizing many years of work. George’s problem was different—he stopped wanting to be the musician in the public eye, but he never entirely stopped wanting to be a musician.
Adam has noted George’s mother having died not long before
Material World, and I agree that this calamity may have caused some striking difference between the upbeat qualities of
All Things Must Pass, and the occasionally more strident, desperate tunes here, but I also think that there’s a sort of fundamental distrust of the spiritual cast of some of the songs that persists even unto today. See, e.g., the Pitchfork review of the reissue:
https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/george-harrison-living-in-the-material-world-50th-anniversary/. This retrospective, in my view, rehashes the same tired arguments about George being
too preachy on the album. Somehow I just don’t get this argument. Maybe I don’t get it because the spiritual aspect of the album seems very accessible to me. I’m right there with it. But I keep wanting to think something like: What if George is exactly telling the truth, his truth at the time? What if this ecstatic envisioning is exactly what he was experiencing? Even more so, this seems the case to me if grief of his mother’s death and the failure of his marriage were right at hand, and that is part of where he was. He was trying to love God, while being pulled back into the world. It was a struggle.
In a way,
Material World doesn’t read the room that way the Beatles used to do, pinpointing social movements just as they were unfurling. George is still back at Rishikesh, in a way, where the answer lies in still more spiritual development, and the cultural moment in 1973-1974 was turning more toward “self-actualization” than spiritual experience, toward EST, etc. The popular culture was getting a little suspicious of religious certainties.
But to me
Material World doesn’t sound as certain as it does sound wounded.
Anyway, that’s a contrasting note with
Mind Games. With the Lennon re-release, we have all these different mixes, four different versions of the album, including the “meditation mix,” which are all great feats of engineering, but they sort of remind me of those albums where Kraftwerk updated all the songs with a new drum machine, or where Sly Stone put a disco rhythm section on songs that were great in the first place. But with
Material World, well, what’s new is just some really incredible demos.
George was going to have a lost weekend too. But this album is from the span of years where he still could reach for the most exalted songs, and pluck some of them down.