An international quarterly magazine of politics, culture, literature and the arts published at Skidmore College
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We eagerly await SALMAGUNDI’s new issue to arrive from the printer — our fall 2024 issue is devoted to the subject of TASTE, tackling issues not only aesthetic and culinary but political and psychological. Contents include a lively and contentious symposium on why taste does (or doesn’t) matter, and articles on a taste for the forbidden, on dramatic changes in our tolerance (or appetite) for particular experiences or artworks, and on the relationship of food to other aspects of the culture. Contributors include Rick Moody, Ian Buruma, Michael Gorra, Celeste Marcus, Willard Spiegelman, David Herman (on Martin Amis) Jay Rogoff (on Fred Astaire), Gorman Beauchamp (Art and Morality) and Matthew Straus (a chef in the anthropocene).

Plus Patrick J. Keane remembers Helen Vendler, Daniel Helpern has lunch with Genet, Charlotte Allen considers the films of Yorgos Lanthimos, Robert Boyers complicates the idea of Asian art, David Bromberg writes from Jerusalem and Martin Jay ruminates on American Fiction.

Hit SHOP in the menu to order the issue or subscribe.

cover image: Kelly Wang, “Cloud Dragon 10” (2024) [courtesy Hollis Taggart]

A Librarian of Alexandria

Salmagundi No. 185/186, Winter – Spring 2015

Grocery List

Salmagundi No. 148/149, Fall 2005 - Winter 2006


Salmagundi No. 192/193, FALL 2016 - WINTER 2017

The Archives of Eden

Salmagundi No. 50/51, Fall 1980 - Winter 1981

Our Homeland, the Text

Salmagundi No. 188/189, 2015


Salmagundi No. 121/122, Winter – Spring 1999

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Hottentots and Phobias

A Conversation with Sir Isaiah Berlin

Salmagundi No. 146/147, Spring – Summer 2005

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Adrienne Rich (drawing by Michael Dolen)


Salmagundi No. 22/23, Spring-Summer 1973

The Papa and Mama Dance

Salmagundi No. 9, 1969

Why We Love Ape Movies

Salmagundi No. 192/193, FALL 2016 - WINTER 2017


An Interview with Natalia Ginzburg

Salmagundi No. 96, Fall 1992

Text and Context

Salmagundi No. 31/32, 1975

In Lieu Of A Preface

Salmagundi No. 58/59, Fall 1982 – Winter 1983

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Sexual Choice, Sexual Act

An Interview with Michel Foucault

Salmagundi No. 58/59, Fall 1982 – Winter 1983

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9/11, Islamic Fascism & The Secular Intellectual

An Evening with Christopher Hitchens

Salmagundi No. 133/134, Winter - Spring 2002

Better Living Through TV

The Honeymooners

Salmagundi No. 195/196, Summer – Fall 2017