An international quarterly magazine of politics, culture, literature and the arts published at Skidmore College
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We eagerly await SALMAGUNDI’s new issue to arrive from the printer — our fall 2024 issue is devoted to the subject of TASTE, tackling issues not only aesthetic and culinary but political and psychological. Contents include a lively and contentious symposium on why taste does (or doesn’t) matter, and articles on a taste for the forbidden, on dramatic changes in our tolerance (or appetite) for particular experiences or artworks, and on the relationship of food to other aspects of the culture. Contributors include Rick Moody, Ian Buruma, Michael Gorra, Celeste Marcus, Willard Spiegelman, David Herman (on Martin Amis) Jay Rogoff (on Fred Astaire), Gorman Beauchamp (Art and Morality) and Matthew Straus (a chef in the anthropocene).

Plus Patrick J. Keane remembers Helen Vendler, Daniel Helpern has lunch with Genet, Charlotte Allen considers the films of Yorgos Lanthimos, Robert Boyers complicates the idea of Asian art, David Bromberg writes from Jerusalem and Martin Jay ruminates on American Fiction.

Hit SHOP in the menu to order the issue or subscribe.

cover image: Kelly Wang, “Cloud Dragon 10” (2024) [courtesy Hollis Taggart]

My Park Avenue Year

Place, Pastness, Poems: A Triptych

Salmagundi No. 188/189, 2015

I Lost My Life in 2006

Bill Barr and the “Unitary Executive Theory”

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Preface To A Symposium

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Questioning the Dead Man

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Five Poems

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023


Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Dead Brothers

West Side Story, Old and New

Cosmopolitan Confessions

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Too Little, Way Too Late:

The Belated About-Turn of Trump Enabler-in-Chief, Bill Barr

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Barr(barians) at the Gate

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Atheisms, New and Old

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023


Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

Ellsworth Kelly’s “Postcards”

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023

How Capitalism Went “Progressive”

Salmagundi 218-219, Spring-Summer 2023